Bowel Preparation
How well you prepare for your procedure determines how well Dr. Pou can see what he needs to see. Bowel preparation is your responsibility. Please do not wait until the day prior to your procedure to read the instructions. Contact our office if you have any questions.
For your convenience, we provide the instructions in Google Docs format so that you can open and print from your browser.

On or before the day of your procedure:
- Make arrangements for someone to drive you home after your procedure. Although you will be monitored in a recovery area until all effects of the anesthesia have disappeared, having someone drive you home is a necessary safety precaution.
- Wear loose fitting, comfortable clothing — sweats, shirt or blouse with buttons down the front; no corsets, girdles, or panty hose; leave jewelry at home; remove any nail polish; do not bring valuables.
- Follow the directions about eating and drinking, and take your morning medications as directed.
- Bring your insurance card(s).
- Bring your driver’s license or photo identification.
- Bring a list of medicines you take and their dosages. Inform us of any and all medications that you take.
- Bring a list of any allergies that you have.
- Bring a list of any previous problems with anesthesia, surgery, blood transfusions or medical problems.
- Dr. Pou may order lab work, an EKG, and/or a chest x-ray while you are at the clinic.
- You may be at the clinic from 1½ to 3 hours, depending on your surgery or procedure.